GDPR Compliance Features

HireHive Team

HireHive Team
HireHive Team
HireHive Team
When we first started researching GDPR at HireHive over 12 months ago we decided that we wanted to help our customers with GDPR compliance for their recruitment data as much as possible. GDPR is not going away - in fact, it’s coming ever closer (May 25th!)
So we went about designing and creating a set of Compliance features that we are now delighted to launch to the world! We've consulted extensively with legal professionals in terms of all our GDPR content and also our features but we are not a legal entity so we do suggest that you seek independent legal advice regarding your own provisions for data protection and security.
It goes without saying that it’s the responsibility of everyone to ensure that data is kept safe and treated with respect. GDPR just enforces that fact. Although we cannot make our customers GDPR compliant, as a data processor we can definitely help! We are here for support if you have questions and below is some information on our compliance feature set.
Our compliance tool covers three key aspects of recruitment data:
We discuss each of these in more detail here.
By enabling these features you are ensuring that you are collecting candidate data in a fair and transparent way, only retaining this data for a reasonable time and then deleting any data that is no longer required.
We are really excited about these features - we’d love to hear what you think and if you have any suggestions or feedback as always we'd love to hear from you.
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“HireHive makes the team a lot more productive. We’d be lost without it. Team Leaders can do it all themselves if needed or jump in at the right time and know exactly where everything is and what’s happening.”
Hilary Dempsey Head of HR at Life Credit union