How HireHive can help you remain GDPR compliant

Orla Hodnett

Orla Hodnett
Orla Hodnett
Orla Hodnett
With the GDPR changes about to come into full force, how can HireHive ensure you remain compliant?
The EU GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) changes mean some major shakeups in many industries, among them HR and recruiting. The individual has much more control over their data and how it is handled, so your candidates can request that their data be changed or removed. If you are using recruiting software, remaining compliant can be pretty straightforward.
Tools like HireHive make it pretty easy to manage data for your candidates in the way that they want, as well as ensuring you've got everything on record. Here are just a few ways HireHive can help you remain GDPR compliant.
The right to be forgotten or the right to erasure is one of the most talked about elements to the GDPR regulations. What it deals with is an individual's right to withdraw permission for you to hold their data if it's no longer needed, if they don't want you to hold their data unless there is a legal reason or if the data isn't needed anymore for the purposes it was collected.
HireHive can help with this as the tool allows you to easily delete information if requested by a candidate. The tool can also be used to correct or amend any information held. Also, if a candidate contacts us directly, we can remove their data from our servers as requested.
You need to be able to account for any use of data
What burden of proof means is that organisations are now responsible for proving that they used an individual's data in the way they permitted you to or that you handled it in a way that was compliant with regulations. You need to be able to account for any use of data.
HireHive helps here as everything that is processed through the tool is on record. Candidate information and details about your using decisions can be easily overviewed in the tool. In addition to that, reports can be generated at the push of a button to demonstrate that you are compliant with the GDPR.
Your processing practises need to be transparent
GDPR dictates that an individual has ultimate say of who handles their data and how it is handled. Your processing practices need to be transparent. As stated already, if a candidate revokes this permission both the user and candidate can change this.
In the HireHive dashboard, admins can control who has access to a user's data within the wider hiring team, so only those who need access get access. In addition to that, the candidate can always request what information is held about them and, as stated above, can request to have it removed or changed.
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